The Power of Intentions

It’s a new year. 🥂


A new start. 


A fresh perspective.


An opportunity for renewed focus.


I’m not a fan of New Year’s resolutions, but I do love to set fresh intentions and focus my priorities for the year ahead.


Clear intentions can be transformative.


The greatest gift in life is time. How and where we focus our energy has a ripple effect through all aspects of our lives.


I am SO grateful for your time and attention as I know it’s your most precious asset.


➡️My #1 intention this year is to create valuable tools and resources to help you (and your child) create an artistic practice that brings joy, solace, challenge and confidence, and helps you fall in love with the artist within. Tools that will help minimize frustration, and maximize growth both artistically and personally. 💫


The Artist Within is a wise teacher. We learn so much about ourselves through our art and artistic practice.


Here is what you can expect from Donais Studios in 2024…


Tools and resources to help you and your child:

1. Develop a consistent artistic practice.

2. Set-up a sacred artistic practice space in your home that you love and WANT to spend time in.

3. Identify and set goals and intentions for 2024.

4. Embrace a positive growth mindset.

5. Create accountability, motivation and encouragement throughout the year.


In 2024 there will be even more ways to connect with the amazing team of teaching-artists at Donais Studios.


In-person Opportunities:


1. The Artist Within private lessons and coaching: piano and voice.

2. Mini Maestros small group classes: voice and visual arts.

3. RISE Children’s Choir

4. The Artist Within Workshop Series

5. Summer Camps


Online Opportunities:


1. The Artist Within Online Membership

2. The Artist Within Online Community

3. The Artist Within virtual private lessons and coaching: voice.

4. Instagram and Facebook

5. The Artist Within Blog for Modern Artists


We have so many exciting things in store for 2024! 🎉


We want to help you reach your goals and dreams by supporting you with the tools and resources you need to ignite, discover and share The Artist Within.


⏳How will you spend your time in 2024? Will you prioritize your artistry and build an artistic practice that you LOVE? Let us show you how.


We know your time is precious. You can expect valuable resources throughout the year from Donais Studios to support and encourage you, as well as provide some tough love when necessary;)


Make sure that you are on our email list and that you open every email so you don’t miss a thing!


Wishing you a beautiful 2024. Now let’s go and create an artistic practice that is meaningful and transformative!


~Andrea “intentions transform” Donais

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