
Are you an “adventurer” or a”play-it-safe” kinda person?

I would describe Shawn as fearless. Does Shawn get nervous or worry sometimes? Of course. But he is not afraid to step out and give ...
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Where do you find your courage?

Are you willing to show up and let yourself be seen? I mean, to be really SEEN?  To be vulnerable.  To be courageous. Are your ...
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Confidence. We want more of it, but how do we get it?

The arts are POWERFUL. Truly. We witness the transformative power of the arts every day. How the arts impact a person is as unique as ...
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What’s in a Logo?

What’s in a logo? There’s usually more than meets the eye:) Donais Studios is no exception. I’m often asked, “why black and white?”    Well, ...
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How to stick with things that are HARD!

Do you know what drives me crazy? 🙄   The ads on Instagram that claim they can teach you to play the piano in 7 ...
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A Look Inside My Artistic Practice

Here is a glimpse into my morning ritual –  aka – my daily artistic practice.   ⏰5:55AM – Alarm goes off. 🌄6:00AM – Meditation and ...
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