Are you willing?

Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful holiday and that your New Year is off to a great start.


Have you set any new year’s resolutions or intentions for 2023?


I’m not a fan of new year’s resolutions, but I do like to set at least one intention for the year ahead. A guiding word or mindset to provide focus and opportunities for personal growth. For 2023, I am embracing and honing the quality of “willingness”. And I think you should too…


Here’s why!


A few months ago my fabulous business coach, Eleanor Beaton, shared that she believes the number one skill of a successful female entrepreneur is willingness. A willingness to play, to experiment, to take (calculated) risks. 


She didn’t say – confidence OR grit OR consistency (though they are important too) – she said WILLINGNESS.


This idea has stuck with me and I have played it over and over again in my mind.


As I thought about it more, WILLINGNESS is the number one skill of successful artists too.


Art and creativity of any form requires a willingness to take risks, to play, to experiment, to trust your ideas and intuition, and to share them with others. Music and art are meant to be shared. And you must be WILLING


I believe that you can only experience the full joy of music and art when you share it with others. There is a beautiful reciprocity between an artist and their audience. 


Observe a child at play. They aren’t worried about who’s watching or what others may think. They are willing to take risks, to let go and just go for it. Creativity, imagination, play and work are woven together in a beautiful unapologetic way. 


In November I took my five year old daughter to the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair In Toronto. We took the crowded GO Train during rush hour on a weekday morning. The train was silent with commuters reading, napping or enjoying a peaceful morning coffee. Silent, except for my little artist. 


Vera chatted (non-stop) and sang her heart out as we travelled south toward the big city. She was so excited for our field trip. The best way for her to express her joy is to sing. She made up the lyrics and created her own melodies. If she felt her song needed movement, she made up actions. She was WILLING to play, to experiment, to share freely. Inhibition hasn’t taken hold of her yet, and I am so grateful for these pure and honest moments. 


(Now for the commuters cringing as they read this, I did temper the excitement with quiet activities and games. I was prepared!) 


Though I’m sure some GO Train riders were not impressed with the child interrupting their peaceful morning commute, there were several smiles and warm glances, even a few kind words as we exited the train. It’s hard not to admit that we have so much to learn from a child at play. Their joy and freedom are palpable. 


Willingness and playfulness go hand-in-hand. 


As we get older we are less willing to experiment with playfulness. We become so serious; favouring logic, reason and familiarity over playfulness and experimentation…and quite frankly – FUN. Yes, I said it! 


As you think about this idea of willingness, consider a pendulum as a metaphor for your artistry.


The higher you lift a pendulum to one side, the more power it has to swing higher on the opposite side. The higher you lift the pendulum, the more power there is in its weight and resistance when you “let it go”. 


Here’s the thing, you MUST “let go” in order to release the energy. Once the pendulum is in motion, you don’t need to stop the pendulum – it will find its natural rhythm and groove. 


There is tension in a pendulum: the tension between the two sides. There is a tension in willingness too. If you are WILLING to let the pendulum of your artistry swing, you will unlock your power, your creativity and your playfulness. 


I want to challenge you to embrace willingness this year. Set your creativity in motion. Release your playful side (you know it’s in there just waiting for permission to come out and play). 


Here is my challenge to you:


  1. Begin this new year with a mindset of willingness. Choose WILLINGNESS.
  2. Be willing and ready to take your art and creativity to new levels. Don’t shy away from your limitless potential!
  3. Be willing to play and experiment so that your artistry has more power, momentum and energy.


If you are willing to let go and embrace a quality or mindset of willingness, you will develop a freedom to play, experiment and take more risks. You will push yourself beyond your comfort zone and this is where REAL transformation will happen. Lean into the discomfort and welcome the challenge. There is a tension at the intersection of artistic transformation – embrace it.  


I promise you will find more joy and fun in your artistry. You will also experience a deeper level of commitment to your artistry and an increased level of skill development. If you embrace willingness, fear can’t hold you back!


My intention this year is to embrace willingness and to find more play in my personal and professional life. Let’s unlock the magic of willingness together. Are you willing?



Andrea “Let’s go 2023!” Donais

“Art is a place for children to learn to trust their ideas, themselves, and to explore what is possible.” ~Maryann F. Kohl


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