The Beauty of Obstacles

It’s hard to believe that the summer has come and gone. And here we are, four weeks into the fall season.

The summer flew by. This summer, more than any other, I was grateful for time with friends and family and the opportunity to travel once again.

In early July, the Donais fam set sail on the “Disney Fantasy”. This cruise was “that” trip. You know the one. The trip that has been cancelled and rescheduled so many times since March 2020 that you’ve lost count!

Until we were waiting at the gate at the airport, I didn’t believe it was actually going to happen. There had been SO. MANY. OBSTACLES. in the way since March 2020, I didn’t think it would ever happen.

But, IT DID!

I can’t say that our trip was relaxing (is a Disney vacation ever relaxing? Lol!), however, it was A LOT of fun and we enjoyed every minute. We were craving some much needed family time.

While on the cruise we were completely unplugged. No cell service. No internet. Completely disconnected from the outside world.

For an entire week we had ZERO OBSTACLES – none. There was nothing in our way. 

We didn’t have to worry about a thing. The cooking and cleaning was taken care of. No laundry to do, no appointments or pets to tend to. No text messages or social media to check. No emails needing a response. We truly could focus on our family time together – unobstructed.

Now, I realize that everyday life is not a vacation and completely unplugging from the outside world is not always possible, but it does bring perspective. 

Here’s a question for you…

What OBSTACLES are standing in your way of becoming the artist you want to be? What would it mean to you as an artist to have unobstructed time with your artistry each week? What would the impact be?

The past 2.5 years have taught us a lot about pivoting and overcoming obstacles. It has shown us what is truly important in our lives and what we value most. 

There are so many obstacles everyday, big and small, that get in the way of us accomplishing our goals and dreams, and enjoying the people, places and things that are most important to us. 

Obstacles are not necessarily a problem; they can be a product of growth or shifts in priorities. 

Obstacles may be old habits or weak boundaries that need to change in order to make way for new possibilities

Fall always feels like a new beginning and a fresh start to me. Now that the fall is here, I want to challenge you to answer these questions:

  1. What do you VALUE most in your life?
  2. What are your top 5 priorities or goals this season? 
  3. What is that ONE thing that you have always wanted to do or accomplish? 
  4. What obstacles need to be overcome or reframed so that you can go after the one thing that you really want?
  5. What support do you need to accomplish your goal? You can’t do it alone!

Write down your answers to these questions so that you can check in from time to time and chart your progress towards your one big goal. 

This season I encourage you to start fresh. Challenge yourself in new ways. Don’t get sidetracked by the obstacles and “bright shiny objects” that distract you. Focus on the POSSIBILITIES. 

“Believe in YOURSELF and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is GREATER than any obstacle.” ~Christian Larson

Wishing you much success and happiness for the beautiful year ahead.

Andrea “full of possibilities” Donais

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